I’m Scared to Have the Sex Talk with my Daughter One Day

Can anyone else relate? I know I'm a long way off from having to answer any awkward questions about sex just yet. Still, the thought of navigating this tricky subject makes me nervous!

Why You Should Actually Say Yes More Often

It may seem counterintuitive but I really think that instead of saying "No" more we need to start saying "Yes" more often.

5 Way’s to Prioritize Self Care

The first time I heard about self-care was from my practicum professor who also happens to be a therapist (class felt like a therapy session because we just talked about our practicums and ate food, it was literally the best.). Our professor knowing that we all lead stressful and busy lives especially as students on the cusp of graduation or grad school really encouraged us to make self-care a priority. She shared how taking a hot yoga class when she's really stressed or spending time with horses helped her maintain a balanced life.

Enough with Cliquey Church Social Groups: Why we Need to be Intentional in Creating Community at Church

A few weeks ago we were visiting a couple from our church who have a young baby. As we were talking a sad reality came to light. It seems that social connections at church are largely determined by the presence of children or one's marital status.

To the ladies in waiting…

I recently read an article by a man on a popular Christian magazine site giving advice to the ladies in waiting. To be honest I thought his advice was a lame excuse for men choosing to act like adolescents and waiting for a woman to fix their problems. I fear this sends a message to women that men have pretty much just given up on maturity and you must take the lead. To this I say wrong! Please don't settle for a man child, because real, godly, mature men still exist.

10 Cheap and Fun Date Night Ideas

CHEAP + FUN Date Night Ideas!

Everyone love a good date night #amiright but sometimes when life is real and adulting is hard there just isn't extra money to do the more extravagant things in life or live out your dreams of grownup date night.

Thoughts on Singleness: How I Conquered Feeling Lonely, Unwanted and Not Good Enough

I write a lot on this blog of marriage and my experiences being married. I write about this topic because it's relevant to my life at this point. However, before this current season I spent a lot of time being single. I've written a few posts about those days: Just Wait, When Everyone Else is Getting Engaged and Encouragement for Single Women. Although those were not the most favourite or preferred times in my life, they were necessary and one lesson I learned was to be content on my own.

One Year

Celebrating One Year: from dating to engagement

One year ago today Michael and I went on our very first official date as boyfriend and girlfriend. We had met almost four weeks prior on December 21, but we decided to get to know each other for one month before making things official. Although Mr. Eager wanted to begin dating closer to two weeks. …

Why I Don’t Want To Be Curious Anymore

I've always classified myself as a curious person. From a young age I was fascinated in discovering new information. As a young child I was especially interested in animals. I had an encyclopedia type book on animals and I was an avid watcher of Zoboomafoo. Basically I considered myself an animal "expert"and I made sure that my family knew they could …

Confessions of a ‘Christian Good Girl’

I’ve wanted to blog for a long time. I just haven’t sat down and hashed out any thoughts. I’ve started posts but I couldn’t seem to make them flow. Here I am being totally honest. I want to share my life as it happens, as I reflect on it. I am human, I am flesh …