Why You Should Actually Say Yes More Often

It may seem counterintuitive but I really think that instead of saying "No" more we need to start saying "Yes" more often.

4 Years Later: My University Experience

About a week ago I wrote my very last exam of my undergrad (#boomdone!). As thrilling as this accomplishment was I don't feel done with school or that I've actually finished my undergrad.  Not until I have my diploma in hand will it seem real. Finishing university seems like such a surreal experience because in high school I had doubts about getting accepted, I failed three courses in undergrad and since I took a gap year most of my friends have already graduated. In some ways, it felt as if this day would never come. I also didn't think I would be 7 months pregnant as I wrote my last exams.

5 Way’s to Prioritize Self Care

The first time I heard about self-care was from my practicum professor who also happens to be a therapist (class felt like a therapy session because we just talked about our practicums and ate food, it was literally the best.). Our professor knowing that we all lead stressful and busy lives especially as students on the cusp of graduation or grad school really encouraged us to make self-care a priority. She shared how taking a hot yoga class when she's really stressed or spending time with horses helped her maintain a balanced life.

Favourite’s Friday >>> Java with Juli

Favourites Friday: My go-to resources

Happy FriYay! Today's favourite is a podcast and ministry I have followed since it's inception. One of the founders Dr. Juli Slattery used to host the Focus on the Family Daily Broadcast before God called her to start the ministry of Authentic Intimacy. Java with Juli is a part of Authentic Intimacy. This ministry is …

5 Ways to make Christmas more Meaningful

We are spiritual beings, incorporate this reality into how we celebrate Christmas to get the most meaning out of it

Favourites Friday>> Surviving Sarah Podcast

Favourites Friday: My go-to resources

Happy FriYay! Today's favourite is a podcast I have been binge listening to on the drive to school and back. I absolutely cannot get enough of this podcast. I come away feeling inspired, motivated and excited each time I hear an interview with a different woman about what she is doing or has been through. …

Don’t Let Comparison Steal Your Joy: How to Overcome the Comparison Game

I'm never more unsatisfied or unhappy than when I'm comparing myself or my situation to another's.

Confessions of a ‘Christian Good Girl’

I’ve wanted to blog for a long time. I just haven’t sat down and hashed out any thoughts. I’ve started posts but I couldn’t seem to make them flow. Here I am being totally honest. I want to share my life as it happens, as I reflect on it. I am human, I am flesh …